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How to start an email list

November 11, 2022
how to start an email list

Wondering why you need an email list? Email marketing has the highest return of investment of any online marketing so it’s definitely something that you should be doing. That means for every £1 you’re spending on email marketing, if done correctly, you’d get on average £30-£40 back in revenue. Email lists also belong to you so you’re not relying on social media alogorithims either!

What’s an email list?

An email list is a collection of email addresses that small businesses get from people that have signed up to a mailing list. People sign up because they want to hear from you, or they want to buy from you so you’ve got a great opportunity to nuture this realtionship! On average people get over 100 emails daily so make sure your emails stand out!

What can you do with an email list?

An email list allows you to build a relationship with your customers and potential customers. You also have direct access to subscriber’s inboxes. You can sell to your audience by sharing news of new products, services or offers. You can also offer your expert advice for example a homewares company could send out tips on ‘how to style your home this Christmas’ and include some products and ideas or a therapist could send tips on ‘how to manage stress during the Christmas period’.

You’ll also be building relationships with your audience so that they trust you when you’re selling to them.

How to start an email list

  1. Decide on the email platform that you’d like to use. There are loads out there but popular ones include Mailchip, Mailerlite, Active Campaign and Kalviyo. They’re all slightly different so have a look and compare them before you commit. It’s also quite easy to move from one to another so if you find you don’t like one you can move over to another platform
  2. Integrate it into your website so that people can sign up to it
  3. Create a lead magnet (freebeie) or an offer (10% off first order) to entice people to sign up to it
  4. Talk about it everywhere
  5. Commit to sending out emails on a regular basis and include useful information and not just sales stuff!

If you’d like more help you can book a session with me to go through your email marketing strategy or just get help on any issues you might be having in a power hour.